With cannabis legal for adults in Oregon and Washington State, what are the benefits of having a medical marijuana card?

With our authorization from a doctor for medical marijuana, patients can grow, possess and process significantly more cannabis and cannabis extracts, with protection from arrest. Patients with a medical marijuana card get a significant discount at dispensaries and can purchase more cannabis products and higher dose edibles. Medical marijuana cardholders can travel with up to 24 ounces of cannabis in Oregon, Washington State and several other states, and can access medical dispensaries to buy cannabis products in other states, such as Hawaii and Louisiana, which haven’t legalized adult use. Our office also has experts available to help answer your questions about using, possessing, growing or traveling with cannabis, or if you are dealing with your employer, law enforcement or the courts. We assist cannabis patients with employment drug testing issues and/or court supervision.

What conditions qualify for medical marijuana?

Chronic pain, chronic nausea, cancer, post traumatic stress disorder, AIDS, glaucoma, hepatitis, chronic muscle spasms and other spastic or nuerodegenerative disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, seizure disorders, such as epilepsy, gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBS, Crohn’s disease and the inability to eat, or patients who have medical treatments for other conditions that cause one of these conditions.

Once I have a medical marijuana permit, how do I get it?

Each state medical marijuana law allows patients with a doctor’s authorization to grow, possess and use medical marijuana. Marijuana dispensaries will significantly discount their price for marijuana and marijuana plants for cardholders. There are patient support groups in every medical marijuana state that give out or trade plants, strains and medicine. It is also legal for patients with a doctor’s authorization to obtain cannabis and plants on the black market, though the person selling it is breaking the law (they probably know that), the patient is not. We are available by phone to answer your questions.

How much does it cost to get a medical marijuana permit?

Our clinic fee has a sliding scale, so we lower it for patients on a limited income. There is also a state fee for patients’ state medical marijuana registry. Please call our office for more information.